Hello everyone and welcome to the 2nd Anniversary of IDLE LIGHT: THE LAST GODS!
I can’t believe we came all this way to this point.

First of all I want to thank everyone who is a part of this awesome community! This can’t happen without you!

Here is a brand new Trailer for IDLE LIGHT: THE LAST GODS! Can you find all hidden details and teasers?
I would watch that in 4K and fullscreen ;D

2 years ago IDLE LIGHT was released on the Google Play Store. Now it is time to look back from where we come and what lies ahead.

  • 82 updates
  • 100+ Downloads
  • 40+ active players
  • 74 LIGHT Sources
  • 17 LIGHT Units
  • 27 LIGHT Upgrades
  • 27 Statistics
  • 120+ LIGHT Materials
  • and so much more…


There is a kingdom between the stars. A kingdom that once lived in honor and wealth. I just can not wait to show you more of the KRAK Kingdom. What I can say – everything around IDLE LIGHT story and lore is currently under development behind the scenes. The game will feature a full playable story mode with interesting places to visit and creatures to meet. What happend to the great LIGHT Organisation? And why is the universe consumed by DARKNESS? Everything will get revealed within the next updates.

I want to add 2 more updates to the current beta version.

The first one will polish all Unit features. The second update will remove the beta quests! After that we have a solid first version for the Units.

Keep an eye on our news channel for the next updates.

Join our Discord Server today!

Thanks for reading and stay safe!
